Espresso Equipment, commercial espresso equipment

5 Features To Look For In A Commercial Espresso Machine Before You Commit

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Choosing the right Commercial Espresso machine and Espresso equipment can seem like a daunting task. With four different types of commercial espresso machines available that all have different features and functions, you want to make sure you are matching your needs of an espresso machine when making your purchase.

Types of Commercial Espresso Machines & their Features


A manual commercial espresso machine is a hand-operated lever-style machine. While there isn’t much demand for this type of espresso machine anymore, they have much simpler repair and are quite a bit more reliable compared to the others. You get to control the infusion, which if it is done correctly, will allow you to create the perfect flavor with the coffee grounds.

However, the downfall of this machine is that it isn’t suited for high traffic areas since it requires manual labor and can increase the risk of human error. These things combined could lead to dissatisfied customers. On the plus side, if you purchase one with the option for a propane kit, you can take it anywhere, which can help lower electricity costs and be perfect for less busy locations.


With this type of espresso machine, the barista must both start and stop the pour. Often times, semiautomatic machines only have one-group rather than having up to four groups because if you start each pour at a separate time, it can make it a really challenging task to stop them all at appropriate times, especially while helping customers.

While this machine can be considered an upgrade to some that don’t want to manually control the entire process, it could be difficult for high traffic areas. Only one cup of espresso could be made at a time with only having one-group. With it being semi-automatic though, it does allow you to be hands-free for a quick moment if needed.


Next up, is the automatic espresso machine, which is a game-changer for high volume areas and locations! This particular type of machine allows anywhere from one to four-groups. The espresso machine makes the espresso shot by itself allowing for the barista to steam their milk creating an all-round more productive environment. While basic shots of espresso are programmed into these automatic espresso machines, there also is the option to still make custom orders that your espresso-lovers often prefer.


Last but not least, the super-automatic espresso machine, which also happens to be the most expensive machine. However, you have to keep in mind that this machine basically does everything on its own allowing for increased production, and more consistent products. It can also reduce labor costs as a barista can prepare many drinks at once while also being able to help customers and complete other tasks.

Committing to the right Espresso Machine

The choice of commercial espresso machine will depend on what you are using it for. Match the machine with its intended use. When deciding, keep in mind whom you will be serving, the location, required maintenance, the amount of traffic, as well as the capability for customizations. Once you have figured those things out and found the perfect espresso machine, commit and make the purchase!

Once you have chosen the perfect Commercial Espresso machine, be sure to perform routine maintenance services to keep it running at top-notch!

Headquartered in Vista, California, NCB Sales is your beverage equipment repair specialists servicing San Diego, Orange County, Temecula, and Hemet. Since 1986, we’ve been repairing various beverage equipment, including coffee, espresso, soda fountain, Granita, juice, water filtration, and more, working on well-known brands in the industry.